Trusted by top reviewers, funders, and researchers

Receiving cash catalyzes change


Eunice installed water access with $796

“Fresh tap water used to cost me an arm and a leg. When I received the transfers, I embarked on installing a fresh water tap which has really helped me plus my community members as they no longer walk long distances to fetch clean water. I charge my community members $.08 per jerrican, thus generating some income.”


Saghirah and Ghala recovered with $384

“Me and my daughter, Ghala, were malnourished. When my husband, Khamsi, received our first two transfers, we started to eat more healthy food, and we were able to take care of ourselves and our five children. Ghala and I have been recovering day after day.”

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80-85% of donations go to those in need, after costsLearn more
$870M+ delivered to people in need across three continentsLearn more
20+ independent studies of our programs showing impactRead the research
Community Meeting in Kenya

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