In a long podcast on GiveDirectly’s basic income pilot, Vox‘s “Weeds” interviews GD co-founder Michael Faye as well as several recipients of our basic income program in Western Kenya. This piece deals with a range of issues — from recipient choice to social welfare policy and more — while featuring some of the most important […]
Candid thoughts from staff, donors, and recipients on our work and the broader movement towards cash transfers.
Consquences matter – Cash in the News
In The Boston Review this week, our cofounders Michael Faye and Paul Niehaus explained the current state of the evidence on basic income and how our groundbreaking trial fits into the past literature on the subject. Peter Diamandis also wrote about basic income in the context of GiveDireclty’s pilot, writing that GiveDireclty’s experiment is “the […]
The radical notion of letting aid recipients decide – Cash in the News
In a column on “reasons to be cheerful,” Jon Evans discusses how direct giving can reshape the aid industry by becoming a “valid alternative.” Elsewhere, GiveDirectly’s Caroline Teti was interviewed on a range of topics related to our work, from how we send transfers to our groundbreaking basic income experiment. GIVEDIRECTLY IN THE NEWS 1. Reasons […]
Give people the security and opportunity they need – Cash in the News
Marc Gunther explored the persistent inequality within the charity sector this week in an expose on the industry in Vox. Up in Canada, new details on Ontario’s basic income experiment were released, including a commitment to incorporating rigorous experimental research into the province’s ambitious plan. GIVEDIRECTLY IN THE NEWS 1. Canada Has Unveiled the Details of […]
Operations, Research
Cash to coffee farmers in eastern Uganda
Historically, when an aid organization or government wants to help coffee farmers improve their lives, they give in-kind agricultural interventions, such as seedlings and training. But what if instead of giving goods and services, we just gave farmers cash? Catherine has received transfers as part of BSZ’s experiment in Uganda. You can follow her story, […]
Simple but profound – Cash in the News
The Toronto Star covered the history of basic income this week, mentioning GiveDirectly’s experiment as an initiative that can “link donor cash directly to study recipients.” In The Huffington Post, GiveDirectly’s own Jacquelline Fuller describes how she first heard of the concept of giving cash to poor families. Throughout the world, basic income remained a […]
The longest experiment of its kind – Cash in the News
This weekend, PBS News Hour featured GiveDirectly in a long, on-the-ground segment on our work. Their reporting included interviews with co-founder Michael Faye, basic income research co-lead Professor Alan Krueger, as well as several recipients from our standard and basic income cash transfer programs. GIVEDIRECTLY IN THE NEWS 1. Group gives cash aid to rural Kenyans, […]
Operations, Research
Unconditional cash transfers and intrahousehold conflict: A pilot study in Kenya
Intimate partner violence is a significant challenge in Kenya, as in other developing countries. Nearly 40% of ever-married Kenyan women report physical abuse by a spouse (KNBS and ICF Macro 2010), and in a separate survey, almost 90% report some form of emotionally abusive treatment (Haushofer and Shapiro 2016). Women who are subject to physical […]
Cultural space – Cash in the News
This week basic income was covered by a range of publications, from Wired‘s description of a new policy resembling a basic income introduced in the US Congress, to a mention of the policy in an overview of the political landscape in Italy by the Financial Times. Also, ODI released a new report this week that […]
Intense research – Cash in the News
Basic income remained a hotly debated topic this week – with policy discussions happening from New Zealand to The Washington Post. And from Australia to Mountain View, California, the idea of doing the most good – effective altruism – captured the attention of both technology investors and philosophers. GIVEDIRECTLY IN THE NEWS AND BLOGS 1. US […]