A pretty natural fit – Cash in the News

This week, GiveDirectly was mentioned in a range of outlets across the world, including Inside Philanthropy, the Spanish-language El Mundo, and New York Magazine. In FastCoExist, GiveDirectly’s regional director Joe Huston talked with Ben Schiller about our basic income experiment specifically, the design details of the study, and how running this experiment is a natural […]


One of the best things you can do – Cash in the News

Joe Huston, GiveDirectly’s regional director in East Africa, appeared on TVO this week to explain GiveDirectly’s cash transfers and some of our new projects including a basic income experiment and our digital platform, GDLive. Elsewhere, basic income made headlines, from the launch of Finland’s pilot to a new survey showing almost half of Americans support […]


Uncurated communication from recipients

In addition to enrolling 31,000 new families and launching the world’s first long term, universal basic income study in 2016, GiveDirectly also released GDLive – a new way to receive unfiltered, unedited communication from cash transfer recipients.This product is made possible by our end-to-end (donor to recipient’s door) operating model, in which we collect all […]


Economic security – Cash in the News

This week, basic income was in the news, with the announcement of the “Economic Security Project.” This group is considering whether cash assistance and basic income might better guarantee economic opportunity in the United States, and it supports organizations like GiveDirectly, whose work can add to that discussion. Elsewhere in cash news, The New York […]


The largest basic income experiment in history

The second milestone for cash in 2016 (see here for Part 1) was GiveDirectly’s launch of the first long-term Universal Basic Income evaluation in history. Over the last twelve months, cash transfers have moved toward center stage in international policy circles under a new name, Universal Basic Income (UBI). While there has been much debate, […]


The year in cash – $27 million distributed

The end of the year is always a time for reflection, and this year asks more than most. With a confluence of global crises, and rising skepticism of institutions, the actions we take as individuals – and the signals they send – are perhaps more important than ever. At GiveDirectly, we’ve been deeply encouraged to […]


Launch of core operations in Rwanda

In October, the Rwanda team launched its core operations project entitled “Kungahara” (which translates to “Prosper”) with the aim of enrolling 3,600 households by the end of February 2017. Kungahara operates in two sectors in Gicumbi, which is the second poorest district in Rwanda.The modelGiveDirectly Rwanda is utilizing a new model, also being tested in […]


19 studies – Cash in the News

With the release of two important papers – one meta-analysis showing the poor do not spend cash transfers on alcohol or tobacco and another showing the anti-poverty effects of mobile money – this week saw a flurry of news on cash transfers, from the Christian Science Monitor, Yahoo Finance, Quartz, NPR and more.GIVEDIRECTLY IN THE […]