The second milestone for cash in 2016 (see here for Part 1) was GiveDirectly’s launch of the first long-term Universal Basic Income evaluation in history.
Over the last twelve months, cash transfers have moved toward center stage in international policy circles under a new name, Universal Basic Income (UBI). While there has been much debate, one fact remains: a universal, long-term cash transfer, sufficient to meet basic needs, has never been fully tried.
We’re changing that with a UBI evaluation in East Africa where nearly 27K individuals will receive some type of cash transfer, some for up to twelve years. In just 8 months since launch, this project has grown into one of the largest crowdfunded social science experiments ever. We’ve raised $23 million already, but to get everything we can out of this study, we need $30 million.
Please consider supporting this groundbreaking study and helping us close the $7 million funding gap by supporting a person’s basic income today.
Stay tuned for the first round of results in mid-2017, and thank you once again for your support for families in need.